
I heart Craigslist

Hello all! Hope you have a great weekend planned!

I’ve had a little obsession that’s grown over the past six months or so…and I never thought it would happen. My obsession used to give me heebs and totally freak me out. But I’ve learned to love -- Craig and his list. :)

The heebs I used to get were actually more about selling than buying. And I’m still not a big fan of the selling part. :)

But I’m a complete convert on the buying part. Gah. I’m hooked. Part of the problem is it’s so accessible with my iPhone app – it is AWESOME. Just like Facebook and Twitter, I only use it on my phone, never on the computer. It’s so convenient – you can save searches, save preferences, and the best part – the pictures pop up in the list. It’s SO easy to use! And it was FREE. Score! (You’d think I was paid to say that, but no. It’s that good.)

I usually spend five minutes every day or two scrolling through, even when I don’t need anything. That’s how they get ya. :)

Last summer, Craig had me at hello when I did some searching and found this (Drexel!) dresser for only $100:


It was a perfect fit in our family room! I absolutely LOVE it.

I had hoped that dresser would fit in our foyer, but it was too long, so a short time later, I searched again, and found this buffet that ended up in our foyer:

Sahweeet! I was starting to fall in love…with Craigslist. :)

I’ve since bought a few more pieces, (one for an absolute STEAL – I’ll show you soon!). I mentioned last week that there was a dresser I saw for my office that made my heart go pitter pat. That particular one sold before I could get my hands on it, but the seller had another beauty she hadn’t listed yet:

Craigslist dresser

I love her, I do.

The dresser, not the seller. But I’m starting to love her a little bit too – she’s the one that sold me the buffet in our foyer. ;)

I love her pretty detail:

Her little legs and curvy lines:

And all of her STORAGE. :)

Awesome!! Isn’t it just calling out for some beautiful glass knobs?

She’s old and solid cherry wood with dovetail drawers. There’s a medallion inside marked Huntley Furniture, which I had never heard of. (I did some research and found out the company started in 1906 and phased out around 1961.) I’m finding part of the fun of these finds is researching their history. :)

I don’t know yet if it will stay black (although I think just about any room can handle one black piece). I’m going wait a bit, see how the room comes together, then decide.

The two lamps on top are from Target, and I got them just today.

Target lamp

I’ve passed by them over and over for about two weeks, and drooled over them each time. I mentioned it on Twitter this morning, and I tell you what – it’s like having hundreds of girlfriends shopping with you, with their “Get them!,” and “Go now before they’re gone!” (put the fear in me) and “Do it, you totally deserve it!”

OK, I may have added the last one myself. Whatever.

Anyway, they are absolutely STUNNING. The pictures don’t do their pretty aqua color justice – but oh my, I adore them:

Thump to the chest at ya, Tweeps!! :)

I’ve learned a few things in my short time as a Craigslist convert that I always follow:

1. I email first, using an old email with my maiden name. Call me crazy but I don’t want anyone to know my first and last name unless I’ve communicated with them a few times. Actually, I still don’t tell them my last name, even when I buy. :)

2. GET DIMENSIONS (save yourself a drive, gas money, time, etc.)

3. If you go to check it out, bring someone with you, or at least tell someone where you’re going. And I never bring my son with me.

4. If you don’t like it, if it’s not right, if it’s the wrong size, you DON’T have to buy it. :) Just tell them it’s not quite right, and go on your way. If you feel weird, just say you need to check some measurements at home.

5. I always ask if the piece is wood. Especially with something like a dresser, where sometimes the top is laminate, the drawers are wood. I want something I can paint (fairly) easily and that’s a sturdy wood piece.

I found a few treasures just waiting for a redo on the Indy Craigslist that I wanted to share with you!

This vintage dresser would be absolutely stunning painted in just about any color:

Wouldn’t that be gorgeous in a small foyer or mud room? And it’s only $40!

I love this mid-century piece:

It’s possibilities are endless – perfect for an office, as a TV stand, even just a dresser. It’s priced at $250, which is a little steep, but the seller says it’s a Miller Desk piece. I hadn’t heard of that company, but a quick search tells me they were based in High Point, North Carolina. And most times, High Point equals high quality. :)

This one is very similar to mine, just a tad simpler:

It’s got great, deep drawers. The price for this one (wood throughout, vintage, dovetail drawers) is only $100! Just think about what it would cost to get a dresser with this quality and size at any furniture store – you can’t beat it! 

I found a few tables I loved too – this sofa table could be gorgeous!:

And people, it’s only $20!! Five and a half feet long and $20? A coat of paint and it’d be good to go. If only I needed a sofa table. :)

This one looks like it came right out of the Pottery Barn catalog:

I LOVE it’s shape – so unique! And only $60. THIS is why I a Craigslist convert!

And this one is stunning as well:

Look at that detail! OH my. Wouldn’t that be a fantastic craft table? I’m drooling. It says to make an offer – and who knows what you could get it for? It’s way down on the list, which means it’s either sold and they never removed it (hate that!) or it’s been a while since they posted and are really ready to get rid of it! :)

So there you go – one of my latest treasures from my friend Craig, some tips from a newbie, and some fantastic inspiration to get you to just look already!! :)

Sooo…what fatabulous stuff have you found from Craig? Do you sell and a buy, or just browse (and occasionally buy) like me? Do tell!

P.S. The (free) app I use is called CraigsPro. You can pay to upgrade it, but I haven’t found a reason to do so. It rocks.

I heart Craigslist Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: neno

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